Standards of Behavior

FCT has a zero tolerance policy toward sexual harrassment and abuse and may conduct background checks.

Not in Our House DC

Fauquier Community Theatre is in agreement with the Not in Our House DC policy goals that begin with seeking to create a culture of safety, respect, and accountability in our theatres.

“When creative environments are unsafe, both the artist and the art can become compromised. Spaces that prize “raw,” “violent,” and otherwise high-risk material can veer into unsafe territory if there are no procedures for prevention, communication, and when necessary, response. Too often, artists have been afraid to respond to abusive or unsafe practices, particularly where there is a power differential between the people involved. Artists have been afraid that speaking out will ruin a show or harm their reputations, and artists subjected to extreme abuse sometimes leave the craft, cutting their careers short. We believe that even in the absence of high-risk material, having pathways for response to unsafe conditions and harassment help to maintain the integrity of the work, its participants, and the organization.” 

– Not in Our House Chicago Declaration of Purpose

Not In Our House D.C. (NIOHDC) is in solidarity with victims and survivors of sexual harassment, abuse, and intimidation. We believe that the vibrant Washington, D.C. area theatre community should be a space of inclusion and fairness in which everyone involved is treated with respect, dignity, and honesty regardless of position. When the emotional or physical safety of any one of our community members is threatened through abuses of power, harassment, or assault, we all suffer.

We believe we have an obligation to one another that extends beyond our personal individual needs.  To that end, NIOHDC is working to draft a Community Code of Conduct that will outline simple practices to prevent and respond to everyday challenges in performing arts environments.  The overriding tenets of this Code of Conduct are communication, safety, respect, and accountability. 

For more information about Not in Our House:

Other policies at Fauquier Community Theatre:

There is no smoking, vaping, drug use, or drinking alcoholic beverages at any time in the theatre, dressing room trailer, or any rehearsal location. You may not smoke or eat at any time while in costume, indoors or outdoors. Adherence to the policies of Fauquier County Department of Parks and Recreation and to those of our rehearsal hosts is expected of all. 

For productions that use prop guns, there should NEVER be a time to have prop guns outside of the theater, for any reason.

It is the responsibility of all participants to assure that all aspects of the production are conducted in a safe manner.

Participation in productions at Fauquier Community Theatre is strictly voluntary. Participants agree to hold harmless and indemnify Fauquier Community Theatre – Story Painters, Inc., its Board of Directors, employees, and associated representatives from any and all claims, judgments or settlements resulting from the participant’s involvement in any rehearsals or performances.

The board members of the FCT Standards of Behavior Committee include: Jen Ayers, Drew Fleming, and Maggie Swan.