Fauquier Community Theatre is all about local people sharing their talents and learning new ones. We are always looking for ushers, rehearsal pianists, stagehands, light or sound operators, seamstresses & so much more. If you’d like to get involved in the theatre in any way, please contact the appropriate person listed below.
- Box Office Volunteers, such as Ushers
Executive Director:

- Potential Directors/Producers for Main Stage Shows & Youth Programs
- Stage Crew,
- Musicians,
- Musical Directors, &
- Choreography

- Sound or Light Technicians
- Sound or Light Designers

- Set Construction,
- Set Painters,
- Set Designers, and
- Properties Masters/ Mistresses
You might have a knack for doing something or want to get plugged into an area of theatre, please reach out to us.
For any position not listed above or anything else, please email executive director Debra Smyers at Debra@FCTstage.org