FCT Wish List – Current Needs

FCT is a non profit organization. We love donations of almost any kind. We accept costumes, props, and gift cards. We are currently in need of the following items below. Please email Info@FCTstage.org or call 540-349-8760 and leave us a message if you are willing to donate any of the items below or a gift card. We appreciate YOU! Thank you!

  • Clear Rubbermaid Storage Bins – any size
  • Rolling or Non Rolling Storage Cart with Clear Drawers – any size drawers
  • Gun Safe or something equivalent (Heavy Enclosed Lockable Cabinet) to store Microphones and other electronics
  • Fabric Softener – any brand – used for wigs
  • Formica or Granite Countertop 6ft x 2 ft
  • Hand Held Clothes Steamer
  • 2 Exterior Motion-Activated Lights
  • Drill with Drill Bits

Donate to FCT’s Sound & Lighting Campaigns

FCT has made some major improvements to the sound quality at the Vint Hill Theatre. With the help of professionals from Polysonics we identified the best approach to increasing the sound quality. We have replaced the acoustic wall panels in the theatre as well as upgraded our entire speaker system. The sound project of over $60,000 was completed in October 2018.

FCT’s project for 2019 is to improve the lighting at the Vint Hill Theatre. We will be replacing ALL of the theatre lights to LED lights. This will be more comfortable for our actors and provide much more flexibility to our directors. We would love to have your help and support in making this a reality for The Fauquier Community Theatre on our 41st year Anniversary!

Please consider making a donation to the sound and lighting Donate Here



Director Proposals for 2020-2021

FCT is planning its 2020-2021 Season of Shows!  Is there a show you have always wished that FCT would stage? Do you – or someone you know – have the desire to direct a show for FCT? We want to hear from you!

We are looking for folks who want to be part of the Play Reading group, or who would like to take on the roles of Producer of a FCT Production or Budget Lead. Please contact Sheryl Solow, our Artistic Chair here Artistic_chairman@FCTstage.org

We are currently in need of director proposals for the 2020-2021 season. 

Aspiring directors who want to propose a show, please fill out this FCT DIRECTOR PROPOSAL FORM 

FCT’s Theatre Shop is Open!

FCT has products available for purchase sporting the new FCT LOGO! Click here to be taken to the shop.

FCT’s Current Newsletter – Spotlight

November 2019 Spotlight Newsletter

FCT’s Spotlight is a monthly publication E-newsletter. It contains information on the happenings at FCT including auditions, shows, special events, etc.  It is only sent once a month. Click below to enter your information.

See Archived Spotlights

Sign-up to stay in touch with FCT!

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