Cast List for “The Greatest Generation Speaks”

From the Director Harry Kantrovich: As the playwright and director, I am thrilled to announce the cast and creative team for Fauquier Community Theatre’s World Premiere of THE GREATEST GENERATION SPEAKS. I would like to thank everyone who auditioned. The talent was immense, and the decisions were tough.

Harry Kantrovich: Director
Don Richardson: Producer & Marty Fritz
Drew Fleming: Asst. Director
Lisa Stewart: Tech Director & Lighting Designer
Walter Steward: Sound Designer
Pat Jannell: Stage Manager & Props
Erin Briner: Make-up & Hair
Leland Shook: Videographer
Jim Constable: Tom Brokaw
Stub Estey: Robert Weil
Richard Fiske: Jim Levy
Hugh Hill: Raymond Daum
Maureen Hamilton: Veronica Hulick & Juanita Yates
Tony Killian: Van Parker
Bob Stockmaster: Gregory Kirchner & Allen A, Beaumont
Tricia Delevante: Jeanette Gagne
Norton & Carole Lalli
Walt Meyer: W.E. Bilderback Jr
Tamara “Tammy” Peters: Lorraine Davis
Amy Simms Treat: Anne Black
Tammy Barboza: Geneva Shelton
Jack Seeley: Charles Leonard
Sheryl Solow: Mary Griffiths
Elizabeth Gordon : Pam Parry
Dell Pendergrast: Rabbi Judah Nadich
Dennis Byrne: Jay O’Callahan
Staci DuVall: Mary Beth Markaway Rieke
Ginny McCardle: Mary Kay Duckworth
Joe Bersack: Joe DeMaggio
Kirk Lambert: Harold Duket
Carolyn Wong: Linda Matthews
Geoff Baskir: Ed Jonat
Krista Day Poole: Pat Zack
Ricardo Padilla: Gordon Morris
Edgar “Ed” Johnson: Walter Morris
Doug Barylski: Kay Voss

Congratulations everyone!

Performance Dates – “The Greatest Generation Speaks” will be presented on Fridays and weekends by Fauquier Community Theatre February 3 – 19, 2023 in the Vint Hill Theater on the Green at 4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton, VA. Tickets for reserved seating are available online now at Enjoy this stage adaptation of Tom Brokaw’s New York Times Bestseller book!

Artistic Committee Meeting

FCT’s Artistic Committee will meet on Saturday, October 15th at 2 PM, to begin planning future seasons. The meeting will be at the Theater on the Green at Vint Hill. All FCT members are welcome to join the Artistic Committee.  If you have questions, or are interested in submitting a Director Proposal for a future FCT production, please email the Artistic Chairman, Don Richardson, at

Notice of Special Board Meeting on September 13, 2022

A special board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom. The topics are: a) approval of the executive committee and b) the appointment of the artistic committee chairperson. Fauquier Community Theatre board members will be attending. In addition, members who have paid their dues for the 2022 – 2023 season are welcome. For information to attend via Zoom, please send an email to:

Annual Meeting and Voting

The Annual Meeting and Lofty Awards takes place on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Vint Hill Theater on the Green located at 4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton, VA 20187.

The meeting includes voting on board members, celebrating the past year by awarding Lofty trophies, announcing our 45th Anniversary Season of productions, and more!

Please note that if you would like to vote at the annual meeting, your membership must be current. You can renew your status at or we will have a table set up prior to the meeting on 7/31. Per the FCT by-laws, all memberships expire on June 30th. To be eligible to vote, you must have renewed in the month of July of this year. Please see attached list of candidates for the board. There are 5 vacant  available positions on the board. If you are unable to attend in person, you may send the attached proxy letter with your designated proxy. Please be sure to sign the form. 
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at or by calling 540-349-8760.

The following are the board candidates running for election or re-election. Current members who have paid their 2022 – 2023 membership dues are eligible to vote. Voting on the ballot at the meeting will be choosing 4 out of the following six candidates. The candidates who are present at the meeting will speak about their desire to serve on the board, etc.

Harry J. Kantrovich (new candidate)
Harry J. Kantrovich is a retired Navy Command Master Chief who has been involved with theatre for over 50 years. He has acted and directed in both community and professional theatres locally and throughout the United States and Europe. During his time in the Navy, he performed one-person shows aboard his ships and commands to entertain the Sailors and keep up on his craft. Dr. Kantrovich was the first enlisted in the Navy to receive a Doctorate Degree (EdD). Harry is a defense, education and Human Systems Integration consultant with Pinao Consulting and has been an advisor, artistic director, and board of directors officer with many community and professional theatres throughout the world.

Michael Mehaffey (current board member up for re-election)
Michael K. Mehaffey is a retired U.S. Army Colonel who served in the Army on active duty for 30 years, retiring in August, 2000. Michael followed his Army career with a 10-year career as the Managing Director of a large branch of a Fortune 1000 IT company and as a defense consultant for several defense industry companies. Michael’s performing arts and acting career — like those of most — dates back to high school at Kubasaki High School on Okinawa, Japan, where he acted in several productions, earning top acting honors in each of his high school years.  Michael majored in theater at Ohio University in Athens Ohio. Entering active duty immediately upon graduation from Ohio University, Michael’s professional acting career aspirations were put on hold. However, he continued to hone his acting skills by performing in stage productions at military community theaters at virtually every military base to which he was assigned.  Michael has nearly 20 stage productions under his belt, most recently including roles in four productions at Fauquier Community Theater:  Juror #11 in Twelve Angry Men, Colonel Thomas McKeon in 1776 the Musical, King Henry II in Lion in Winter, and Abraham Bomba in the world premiere of SHOAH. Michael won FCT’s Lofty Award for best lead actor in a play for his portrayal of King Henry II. 

Matt Moore (new candidate)
Matt Moore is an award-winning Creative, Theatrical and Live Events Director who has worked with hundreds of government, nonprofit, political and private sector clients worldwide. He has over two decades of extensive experience in not-for-profit management and governance with several national organizations. Matt’s enthusiasm, creative vision, drive for flawless and profitable execution, and ability to assemble a team of consummate professionals has made him one of the top creative forces in the region. He has directed more than 25 plays and musicals in the past 15 years in addition to performing in hundreds of shows with the 24-year continuously running Fools! Improv Troupe. Noted directorial credits include “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Shrek: The Musical!” at FCT, “Our Town,” “Cyrano De Bergerac,” “Amadeus” (Seton Players), “Captain Dangerous,” “Fortress,” “Ending the Dustbowl Dream” (Ignite Players), and many more. A performer in his own right, Matt has played lead roles in several musicals including Thenardier in Upper Room’s Broadway World Musical of the Decade, “Les Miserables.” He is a voice actor and MC with an extensive list of credit, including the featured voice of the Super Bowl XXXV Pre-Show. Matt is a produced playwright and serves as a leader in numerous community organizations. Moore resides fifteen minutes from historic Warrenton, Virginia with his wife and family. For FCT, he wishes to use his skills in governance, management and creativity to continue the mission of providing high quality theater with deep meaning and emotional connection to our regional audience while continuing to operate with a strong focus towards profitability.

Don Richardson  (new candidate, former board member and president)
Don Richardson retired in 2019 after a 40-year career as a software developer and System Administrator with a government agency and several defense contractors. He holds a BA in History from the University of Virginia and a Professional Certificate in Data Systems from the National Cryptologic School. A community theatre enthusiast since high school, he has been active at FCT as both an actor and producer since 1995. He was a member of the FCT Board of Directors from 2005 to 2014, serving as Chairman for seven of those years. Following his Board service he became the Artistic Chairman for three additional years. He served on the Virginia Commission for the Arts Region IVB Grants Panel in 2014 and 2015. Other important leadership positions in which he has served include the Prince William County School Board (2001-2011), the Prince William Public Library System Board of Trustees (2000-2001), and as Vice President of the Virginia Soccer Association in Haymarket from 1994 to 2001. He is currently the Producer of the upcoming production of “Our Town” and is the Chairman of the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Sustainability for Prince William County Schools.”

Sheryl Solow  (current board member up for re-election)
Sheryl Solow’s career as an educator extends over 40+ years, serving as a Teacher, Principal, Curriculum Supervisor, Staff Developer, IB Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent, and Educational Consultant in PA, CO, and VA. She served on the board of Arts Councils in Bucks County, PA and Montrose, CO. Sheryl spent 3 years as a Board Member and 9 months as President of the Magic Circle Theatre, a community theatre in Montrose, CO, where she was a Production Coordinator for The Road to Mecca (2014) and Assistant Director of Talley’s Folly (2015). Currently she is a member of the Regency Players, a community acting club, where she serves on the board and has performed in nine shows, as well as directed three productions since 2015. Sheryl volunteered for FCT’s summer drama camps from 2016-2019 and 2022. Sheryl was delighted to co-produce Lion in Winter and serve as props manager for Rabbit Hole at FCT! Sheryl currently serves as Artistic Chair of FCT (2017-Present) and is a member of the FCT Board of Directors. Dr. Solow received a B.S. in Education from Temple University, M.Ed. and C.A.S. in Educational Leadership from Arcadia University, and Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Lehigh University.

Rob Tessier (new candidate)
Rob Tessier was born and raised in Virginia. His family moved to Fauquier County in 2013 where they quickly found a home at Fauquier Community Theatre. Rob earned a theatre degree from Miami University in 1996 followed by Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College. He toured as a professional clown with the Greatest Show on Earth, but after returning home dedicated himself to being an educator, a minister, and an artist. In 2001, Rob founded Upper Room Theatre Ministry as an extension of All Saints Catholic Church in Manassas where he serves as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. He has directed for the past 21 years shows including Peter Pan, Hello Dolly, Mary Poppins, and most recently West Side Story. In 2020, BroadwayWorld named Rob as “Best Director of the Decade” in the DC region for Upper Room’s Les Misérables. Also a performer, Rob played Nathan Detroit in Upper Room’s Guys & Dolls and appeared as the Turkey in FCT’s HONK! His wife Carole and most of his 9 children have performed in FCT productions over the past decade.  Most recently, Rob’s son Jack directed James and the Giant Peach and several children performed. In 2004, Rob founded Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps in which over 200 kids each summer take part in theatre and art camps in Burke and Manassas.  After serving on FCT’s Artistic Committee for the past 6 years, Rob would be happy to take a role on the Board of Directors. He hopes that his background and expertise in community theatre would be a positive influence in assisting FCT to become a place where families and audiences alike can come together to create beautiful experiences and wonderfully professional high-quality productions.

Cast List for Holiday Inn

Congratulations Everyone! Cast List for Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn!

Jim Hardy Kyle Wright
Ted Hanover Anthony Willimas
Linda Mason Kimberly Geipel
Lila Dixon Melissa Pieja
Louise Badger Dawn Gaynor
Danny Larry Finkle
Charlie Winslow Marlee Ratcliff
Brenda Dancer/Quartet Corina Stinson
Daphne Dancer/Quartet Emily Silva
Stella Dancer /Quartet Mindy Ratcliff
Dancer/Quartet Carleigh Hopkins
Sawyer Dancer Shania Duane
Dancer Christine Steinbrunner
Byron Dancer D’Andre Stewart
Stanley Dancer Evan Kohnstam
1st AD Katie Schlenker

Cast List for Mamma Mia!


Sophie – Jennifer Ayers 

Ali – Kaitlyn Couvillon

Lisa – Reagan (Rae) Rivera Lagasse

Donna – Danica Shook

Tanya – Hilary Pierce

Rosie –Esther Wells

Sky – Will Ayers

Pepper- Jimmy Houck

Eddie – Marty Kelly
Harry- Scott Pierce

Bill- Jason Damaso

Sam- Jamey Pellegrini

Father Alexandrios/Chorus – Richard Pinson


Annette Gibson

Elizabeth Steimel

Samantha Wong

Jordan Speakes

Georgia Scarborough

Catherine Pacheco

Heather Allen

Jessica Frydl

Annual Membership Meeting and Lofty Awards on July 31, 2022



When: Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 6:30 pm

Where: Vint Hill Theater on the Green: 4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton, Virginia

Purpose: Members will be presented with a recap of the 2021 – 2022 fical year and have the opportunity to vote on candidates for the board of directors.

Entertainment and Awards: Lofty Awards for the main stage theater productions for the 2021 – 2022 season will be awarded.

James and the Giant Peach Musical!

Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant PeachJune 10 – 19, 2022

Direct Link to Tickets:

Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale is of a boy, his insect friends and their amazing journey across the ocean on a giant piece of fruit! Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach is now a musical for the whole family to enjoy! Featuring a wickedly tuneful score by the Tony Award-nominated team of Pasek and Paul (Dogfight and A Christmas Story the Musical) and a curiously quirky book by Timothy Allen McDonald (Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka, The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley), critics rave: James and the Giant Peach is a “masterpeach!”

When James is sent by his conniving aunts to chop down their old fruit tree, he discovers a magic potion that results in a tremendous peach… and launches a journey of enormous proportions. Suddenly, James finds himself in the center of the gigantic peach, among human-sized insects with equally oversized personalities, but after it falls from the tree and rolls into the ocean, the group faces hunger, sharks and plenty of disagreements.

Thanks to James’ quick wit and creative thinking, the residents learn to live and work together as a family. The dangerous voyage is a success, but the adventure takes a whole new twist once they land on the Empire State

Building.FCT’s artistic production team for Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach includes Director Jack Tessier, Music Director Carolyn Karcher, Choreographer Gabrielle Buonocore, Costumer Claire Anderson, and Stage Manager Esther Wells. Stephen Hyland is the producer. There are 21 youth cast in the show.Tessier enthusiastically remarked, “I am directing this youth show because I love youth theatre. I got my start in FCT’s Beauty and the Beast, Jr, and I want to give other kids a great opportunity to shine in their youth. I have always loved the James and the Giant Peach book and film, just like I love all of Roald Dahl’s work. I’m a big fan and advocate for the whimsical, fantastical, and childlike wonder that exists in James and the Giant Peach.

This show will also give great opportunities to many young performers to show off their talents and become larger than life characters.”The show sponsor is XS Telecom – Voice and Data specialists. Performances for Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach will be take place on June 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19 at the Vint Hill Theatre on the Green located at 4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton, VA. Friday and Saturday performances take place at 7:30 pm and Sunday matinees are at 2:00 pm (except for Fathers Day, June 19 which will be at 1:00 pm.)

Tickets for reserved seating in the theater are available online at or by calling 540-349-8760.FCT’s production of Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach is presented through special arrangement with Music Theater International (MTI).

Review of Side by Side by Sondheim by DC Metro Theater Arts

Fauquier Community Theatre presents “Side by Side by Sondheim” April 29 – May 15

Enjoy these Broadway favorites that include songs from “Company”, “Follies”, “West Side Story”, “Gypsy”, “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”, “A Little Night Music”, and much more! For the Mother’s Day performance, we will treat moms to complimentary beverages. With standing ovations and much applause throughout, as a reviewer says, “The musical includes a cast of three principal actors and six featured actors who entertain, charm, and dazzle.” Reservations for tickets here:

COVID Policy Updated

Updated April 21, 2022Masks are optional for audience members. Fauquier Community Theatre will continue to monitor conditions, and may reassess our policy as needed.

Updated March 7, 2022:

COVID and MASKS FOR PERFORMANCES – Fauquier Community Theatre (FCT) requires that all audience members wear masks to prevent COVID-19 spread, for example N95 and KN95 masks.

COVID and SOCIAL DISTANCING FOR PERFORMANCES – Tickets are sold online or by phone in advance only. All ticket order purchases will have an empty seat on either side of each group of tickets ordered together. This is voluntary by Fauquier Community Theatre which reduces the theater capacity to about 70 percent. Concessions will take place outdoors only, weather permitting, or not at all.

COVID Waiver – By purchasing tickets, myself and my entire group agrees that ourselves, our heirs, personal representative or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to hold Fauquier Community Theatre liable or FCT’s directors, officers, employees and agents liable from any and all potential claims related to or resulting in personal injury or illnesses and property loss arising from any COVID-19 transmission that may occur from being present at performances and/or rehearsals.

OTHER FCT FUNCTIONS – Masks are required at all FCT functions (e.g., auditions, rehearsals, etc.) except when performing or when social distancing of three feet or more cannot be maintained. Medical exemptions will be honored.

Give Local Piedmont

Give Local Piedmont is an annual event that takes place this year on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Give Local Piedmont inspires community members to contribute to the nonprofit organizations that are making our region stronger. Fauquier Community Theatre was founded in 1978 and through the years, generous donors like you have supported the theatre’s musicals, plays, special events, summer camps, after school classes, and other educational opportunities for all ages. To make a contribution between April 19 and May 3, visit:

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