FCT Annual Meeting and Season Preview!

Join in on the fun of Fauquier CommunityTheatre’s Annual Meeting and the 2021 – 2022 Season Preview! The event will take place virtually online on Sunday, July 18 2021 beginning at 7 p.m. So the location, food, and beverage is up to you and you may even want to dress up to celebrate. Be sure to RSVP HERE, please.
Memberships: Renew your membership or become a new member of FCT HERE. Thank you. We love our members, after all, that’s one reason we have this annual event!
Sponsors: Whether as a new sponsor, or a returning one, it is easy to add your sponsorship HERE. Have your business front and center stage with FCT! Thank you.

Auditions for roles in Jesus Christ Superstar


“Jesus Christ Superstar” – Fauquier Community Theatre
Performance Dates: September 11, 12, 18, 19 in 2021 (7 shows)
Rehearsals in-person in Warrenton, VA
Performances at Verdun Amphitheater in Rixeyville, VA
Non-Equity/Community Theatre

Originally to be performed in May of 2020 but put on hiatus due to COVID, we have a great team with a tight cast… but schedules have changed and several cast members have moved in the past year, leaving us with an immediate need for several key roles. Come join this very talented, professional grade group of actors, live orchestra and production staff as we put on this legendary show in a large, beautiful, well outfitted outdoor arena on some of the nicest evenings of the year. Click HERE for additional information.

FCT Call for Director Proposals


For more information and access to Director Proposal Forms, click HERE

Spring 2022 Musical

FCT is seeking proposals for our April/May 2022 musical.  Please share your ideas by completing a Director Proposal Form.  Our patrons are looking forward to returning to the theater to enjoy our shows.

Winter 2023 Comedy, Shakespeare, or Drama

FCT is seeking proposals for our January/February 2023 show.  Please share your ideas by completing a Director Proposal Form.  Consider a drama, mystery, or comedy. 

Spring 2023 Musical Theatre or Play

FCT is seeking proposals for our Youth Show, June 2023.  Please share your ideas by completing a Director Proposal Form.  We will consider musicals, a straight play, or a comedy. 

FCT 2021 – Take Center Stage One Week Camp Registration Open!

Fauquier Community Theatre 2021 Summer Camp Registration is open! Two camps, something special for everyone! Here is information for the one week camp: Take Center Stage Summer Camp: July 12 – 16, 2021. FCT Showcase Camp is directed by Helen Messick who has assisted with FCT productions for many years. The camp takes place from July 12 to July 16, 2021 for ages 8-16. Summer camp will be run virtually online, primarily between the hours of 10 am and 2:30 pm with flexibility/customization of other times of the day. This one-week fun and educational camp is designed to showcase the talents of young performers. Basically, it is the intersection of theatre, music, and film with the final performance of the youth starring in their own show! Camp will consist of acting, singing, and choreography options. All registrations will be accepted and each camper will be “showcased” in songs, scenes and roles. Click HERE for more information and the registration form.

Give Local Piedmont

Give Local Piedmont is an annual event that takes place this year on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. Give Local Piedmont inspires community members to contribute to the nonprofit organizations that are making our region stronger. Fauquier Community Theatre was founded in 1978 and through the years, generous donors like you have supported the theatre’s musicals, plays, special events, summer camps, after school classes, and other educational opportunities for all ages. To make a contribution between April 20 and May 4, visit: www.givelocalpiedmont.org/organization/FauquierCommunityTheatre

FCT Scholarship Deadline Extended to April 10, 2021

Fauquier Community Theatre invites college-bound high school seniors with demonstrated abilities in the performing arts to apply for scholarships. The Scholarship Application for 2021 will open for submissions on January 15, 2021 and be due no later than April 1, 2021.

Fauquier Community Theatre (FCT) offers financial scholarships for local high school seniors who desire to pursue further education in the theatre arts. With the help of an FCT scholarship, young aspiring actors, actresses, musicians, and theatre technicians are aided in deferring the cost of higher education as they seek to acquire further training.

All applications are reviewed by a committee and will be scored using a rubric system. The college scholarship awards will be based on a rubric of scores that include grade point average, interest in a career in theatre, participation in Fauquier Community Theatre activities, other theater experience, short essay questions on the form, letters of recommendation, etc.

There will be two $1,000 scholarships offered in 2021. Criteria: A college-bound senior with demonstrated abilities in the performing arts. These scholarships will be paid directly to the recipient’s school of choice to cover tuition, books, fees, or room and board.

For more information and the link to the scholarship form, visit www.fctstage.org/scholarship

Casting Call for Emma: A Pop Musical

Casting Call for Ages 14 – 23

Fauquier Community Theatre invites youth ages 14 – 23 to audition for Emma: A Pop Musical Stay-at-Home Edition. The production will be rehearsed, produced, and presented online. Then the final show will be streamed in spring/summer 2022. Audition submissions are via an online process and the due date has been extended to Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 7 pm. For more information and to submit audition materials, click on Emma Auditions.   Synopsis: Emma, a senior at Highbury Prep, is certain she knows what’s best for her classmates’ love lives, and is determined to find the perfect boyfriend for shy sophomore Harriet by the end of the school year. But will Emma’s relentless matchmaking get in the way of finding her own happiness? Based on Jane Austen’s classic novel, this sparkling new musical features the hit songs of legendary girl groups and iconic female singers from The Supremes to Katy Perry. Girl power has never sounded so good!

PACE Program for Youth Adds Three New Classes for 2021!

Fauquier Community Theatre Performing Arts Children’s Education!

Quick Link to Registration Form


ACTING I (ages 8 – 12) Eight Week Session on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm beginning January 27, 2021 – Results in producing a one act play. Online filming date will be Saturday March 20, 2021.

ACTING II (ages 13 -17) Eight Week Session on Mondays at 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm beginning January 25, 2021 – Results in producing a one act play. Online filming date will be Friday, March 19, 2021.

MUSICAL THEATRE II (ages 10 -17) Eight Week Session on Thursdays at 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm beginning February 4, 2021. Includes a 45 minute one on one voice lesson. Results in Online Musical Performance. Online filming date will be Friday, March 26. Prior experience preferred and a passion to build musical theatre skills.

Please complete the form here to register for classes taught by Katy Benko-Miner and her team. All classes will be run virtually online. Classes are designated in the registration area of which ones consist of acting, singing, and all have some choreography options. These classes are open to the public and are meant especially for the local community who would normally register if classes were held onsite at Fauquier Community Theatre’s location although some exceptions will be made. Please make credit card/debit card payment in full at time of submitting this form to complete registration. After the registration form is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent. If you need assistance, email info@fctstage.org or call 540-349-8760. Here is a quote from a family from summer camp in July 2020 about the online experience: “Thank you Katy (and others) so much for an awesome summer camp experience.  My daughter has been thrilled. I wish you all could have been together in person but being online has been just as great!  I really hope that one day my daughter will be able to perform with FCT junior theater!  We think your community theater is wonderful!”

Casting Call for the Play “Bad Auditions on Camera” January 8 and 9, 2021

AUDITIONS! Fauquier Community Theatre invites you to audition for Bad Auditions on Camera. Calling ages late teens to 60s for 13 roles.The production will be rehearsed, produced, and presented online.
Auditions will take place online via Zoom on Friday, January 8, 2021 from 7 pm to 10 pm and Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 7 pm to 10 pm. Signups are in one hour time slot increments. Please note that you will be sent an invitation to Zoom by the day before auditions. Those who cannot make auditions may send in a video submission of a monologue of 1 minute. At the beginning of the video, state your first and last name clearly. Please note that priority will be given to those who audition online and not by video submission. Auditions will consist of actors presenting a dramatic or comedic monologue of 1 minute and cold reading from the script.  After auditions, callbacks will be by invitation only and will be held on Sunday, January 10 at 2 pm.  The show will be streamed on the weekend of February 20 and 21, 2021. The synopsis: A casting director has one day to find an actor to fill the role of a lawyer in a crime procedural. But what seems like a simple task proves impossible when the pool of actors includes stage thespians who can’t tone it down for the screen, performers completely unable to keep themselves in frame, and an actor who seems to believe this is a toothpaste commercial. The audience will vote for who they think should get the role as they step behind the doors of a casting session in this hilarious comedy.
For more information and to complete the audition form click on BAOC Auditions.

New Dates by Popular Demand! Tickets on Sale for “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” for performances on December 19 and 20, 2020

This adaptation by Joe Landry of the beloved American holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” will be presented by Fauquier Community Theatre (FCT) as a live 1940s radio broadcast and streamed virtually. Over 35 FCT actors will be seen bringing to life the story of idealistic George Bailey as he considers what’s meaningful in life on that fateful Christmas Eve in 1946. All the actors will be seen in the broadcast in costumes of the era as well as the Foley artists who will be producing the sound effects.

The production is directed by Betsy Hansen and the Assistant Director is Sonia Bronder. The show is sponsored by NOVEC (Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative) and with assistance from a project grant by Patricia and Nicolaas Kortlandt Memorial Fund of the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation. The play is produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. Fauquier Community Theatre is a non-profit celebrating its 43rd Anniversary Season. The theatre is funded in part through grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and locally by the PATH Foundation and the Claude Moore Charitable Foundation.

Order your tickets on the form below:

New! Songwriting Class!


December 28 and 30, 2020by Paul Reisler and Chery Toth

In this song writing workshop, these two professional songwriters Paul Reisler and Cheryl Toth, will work with individuals or familes for 2 one-hour sessions, to learn about songwriting and will write a complete song as a group. At the end of the workshop, the participants will receive a professional recording of the song. The songwriting workshops will take place on Monday, December 28 and Wednesday, December 30, both at 7 pm. On Valentine’s Day weekend a 45 minute concert will be held virtually that will include the group song written in class. The theme of the song will be related to love and family.

Cheryl Toth remarked, “We are now offering our songwriting programs in a virtual format, giving both adults and children the opportunity to connect, share, and create during these times of social distancing.” 
The cost is $45 per individual registration or family members can join as one group on one internet device. The price includes the online songwriting workshop and admission to the online concert on Valentine’s Day weekend that will include the group song. For more information and to register, click Songwriting Class For additional information, email info@fctstage.org or call 540-349-8760. FCT’s programs are funded in part by the National Endowment of the Arts and Virginia Commission for the Arts.

Songwriter Bios:

Paul Reisler – Ever since he started making up songs at the age of five, Paul Reisler has led the musical life. He’s a composer, songwriter, recording artists, performer and teacher. He’s the founder and artistic director of Kid Pan Alley, co-founder of Trapezoid, as well as his current bands, Paul Reisler & A Thousand Questions featuring Howard Levy, and Three Good Reasons. Over the past 45 years, he’s performed in over 3,000 concerts, recorded close to three-dozen albums, co-written Aesop’s Fables for Orchestra and Narrator, as well as the script and songs for a new musical entitled Bouncin’.He’s has written more songs than the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, and Stephen Foster combined—somewhere north of 3,000 compositions thanks in no small part to his army of 65,000 short collaborators as well a handful of Grammy-winning co-writers. Artists including Sissy Spacek, Raul Malo, Darrell Scott, Cracker, Corey Harris, Jesse Winchester and many others have recorded his songs. Paul Reisler is one of the most popular songwriting teachers in the country.

Cheryl Toth – When she started school, her ability to sing harmony landed her invitations to join her first choir at the age of 9. This passion led to earning a bachelors and master degree in music education. Cheryl is an avid music educator. She believes in the creative process integrating voice, movement, improvisation and instrumentation as a means of inspiration and discovery. She started her professional career as an elementary school music teacher. This led to a position supervising the elementary music program for 136 schools for the Fairfax County Public School district. Then she served as an elementary school principal for 8 years before joining Kid Pan Alley. Her experience includes teaching preschool students with special needs through high school. She has served coordinator of the All County Choral Festival for 900 voices and assistant conductor for the George Mason Symphonic Chorus. She has performed with the Symphonic Chorus at the Philharmonic in Koln, Germany.

Giving Tuesday December 1, 2020

Whether it’s a Facebook “like”, a review, membership, sponsorship, or a financial gift of any amount, Fauquier Community Theatre is here to see your contribution through and welcome you to the FCT family. Let’s stay connected and help and inspire each other. December 1, 2020 is a themed global day of giving. For contributions to FCT, there is a donor who will match up to $300 for that amount in groceries to be delivered to the Fauquier Food Bank. That ends up doubling your contribution. To make a financial contribution to FCT, see below. There is also a place to leave comments.

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